10 Months Old

Age: My little bubby is 10 months and has had so many changes this month. He is feeling more and more like a toddler. He walks around everywhere (holding onto the furniture) and is very steady now. He gets upset if I take something away from him. He wants to get into everything… especially my handbag, his nappy wipes, the toilet paper, the kitchen cupboards, our plants, our shoes and our phones. Changing his nappy is an Olympic event for me and trying to clean his face is a constant battle. He loves baths, songs, books, playing with the footy, climbing the clothes drying rack, watching the washing machine and his dad (his face just lights up when he sees him). He just seems like he understands so much more now too. Being his mum is a lot of fun and just a constant joy.

One great thing about moving was that I unpacked the house being mindful of what Augie can get into, so it’s pretty child proof. I can relax and make myself a cup of tea around the corner in the kitchen and not be too worried about what sort of mischief he is making.

Unfortunately our new house has a set of stairs, so I can’t relax completely, but they are easy to block off with stair gates this time and also carpeted. Augie can climb all the way to the top on his own (under careful supervision). I’d prefer not to have stairs at all, but it was just so hard to find a house in our budget without them as we are in a townhouse not a proper house. The whole layout of this new place is a thousand times easier to manage than our last house. We just love it here so far! Oh and I can see the ocean from my bed so I feel pretty lucky.

Feeding: The little guy is enjoying food more and more every day. He normally has a weetbix or oats for breakfast and then a sandwich, quinoa, avocado, spaghetti, lamb chops, chicken, veggies or whatever I can scrape together for lunch and dinner. Plus plenty of fruit (pears are his favourite). He also has 3 bottles a day (one before each sleep), but he often does not drink much. I offer him 180 mls, but he rarely drinks it all.

Sleeping routine: He is still mostly sleeping well. He’s had some trouble getting to sleep and needing lots of extra cuddles, which is no big sacrifice for me (except when I really want to a glass of wine). Normally at bedtime he arches his back and basically says, fuck off now Mum, I’m ready to go in the cot. So I have enjoyed my baby wanting extra snuggles. Once he gets to sleep, he’s still mostly sleeping through the night. So I can’t complain.

He still has 2 naps a day, the first at about 9.30 am and the second at about 1.30 pm and they both last between 1-2 hours. Then bed at 6.30 pm and he sleeps until about 7-7.30 am (if everything goes to plan).


– First intentional word and it was “Mum”. Yay!!! I think he’s also starting to say “Dad” and he’ll mimic words I say to him sometimes, but it’s normally a one-off and it’s more like making sounds than saying words!

– First night in his own room! After we moved house we had enough space for Augie to have his own room. He wasn’t bothered at all and didn’t notice the change, but AJ and I were a bit sad. On the first night we both went to bed and neither of us had mentioned we felt weird about it, then suddenly AJ says “do you want to go sleep in Augie’s room?” And we both slept on the floor in his room. We could only do that for one night though because we are way too old to sleep on the floor. Ouch!

– He gives proper kisses now. I say, give me a kiss and he sucks on your lips. It’s so cute (and wet).

Achievements: Moving house in less than a week with a baby and a home business on our own. Well actually, my dad took a sickie from work one day to come over and watch Augie so I could pack and him and my step Mum also came down on moving day to take Augie out of the chaos. It was a mammoth effort and not something I want to do again soon.

Things we have learned: Take snacks with you everywhere, it’s the best way to keep him occupied!

Appearance: A chubby blonde haired and blue eyed little cherub. He still only has his two bottom teeth and boy are they sharp little fuckers.

Mummy update: It was my first Mother’s Day earlier this month and we didn’t really do anything because we moved house the day before and that was where 100% of our focus was instead. I don’t care much about that sort of thing and it’s a mixed day for me thinking of the loss of my own Mum and how much I’d like to have her here with me, especially now I’m a Mum.

Something strange happened though, I was texting with my mothers group and the girls started talking about their plans for Mother’s Day. It seemed like they were being spoiled with some amazing plans by their husbands and families. The first thought that popped into my head was ‘well they breastfed their babies so they deserve to be spoiled’. What the hell?! I had no idea that I even thought that way. I had no idea that I thought less of myself as a mother because I wasn’t able to breastfeed. So that’s a strange one to process and I’m not sure how I feel about it now.

Fresh Start

We up and moved house last weekend! It happened really quick in the end. We got a new place (rental), put ours up for rent and moved within a week. It had to happen quickly because we couldn’t afford to pay a mortgage on our house and rent on the new place for very long. More than that, we just couldn’t live in chaos with a baby and a home business. So we started packing Wednesday and movers came at 8.00 am Saturday morning. Holy crap it was a tough week.

To be honest, the worst part was that Augie and AJ both had colds. Poor Augie was struggling to eat/drink/sleep because he was so congested. Plus AJ had 3 new clients that week for his business. Then I got the cold from Augie and AJ. It was one of those hellish weeks that you know you’ll remember for a long time.

But, it was all worth it because we love our new house! It’s big enough for a large kitchen table so we can eat dinner as a family. It has a bath, a yard, a laundry and a linen closet. All things I didn’t have before. It makes life with a baby so much easier! And as you can see below, Augie loves it!

We moved from the very busy (and hip) inner city suburb of Brunswick all the way to the coastal town of Torquay. Talk about a change of pace! We are only a 5 minute walk to the beach and so close to all the nice cafes and shops in town. I love it. So far it feels like being on holidays all the time.

If you know the area you might wonder how the hell I’m going to get to work. Well I’m sitting on the train as I type this… AJ works from home and I only work 2 days a week so it made sense to move away from the city. I’m just going to commute into the city on those days. My work has an office in Geelong (the closest regional centre) and I may be able to work one of my days out of there, which would be really easy. If it all gets too hard I will just quit my job and find something locally or stay home with Augie full time.

The hardest bit for me is that the days I work I probably won’t see Augie at all. Today is the first day that I’m doing the full commute. I couldn’t sleep last night because I felt so anxious about it. On Monday night when AJ was putting Augie to bed and I was still on the train, he showed him a photo of me and he smiled and said “mama!”. I’m just going to miss him so fucking much. God he is just such a ray on sunshine every day. I hate being away from him.

At least I know that I can leave my job if it gets too much. I’m lucky in that I don’t need to work (that sounds really annoying, we aren’t rich, we are just trying to live with less). I do want to keep working so that I don’t lose the career that I’ve built. Plus my job is pretty cool right now. It’s the first time ever that I could say that I like my job.

But, I think it’s all going to be worth it when I can take Augie to the beach every day.