Mum Life (blah blah blah)

Well the year is almost half over and I haven’t blogged at all! Thank you Caragh for your comment checking in. 😊

I did write a post a few months ago, but it was just so negative that I couldn’t post it. I hate sounding like such a sad sack and I have this paranoia that if I complain about things that are not important than something really bad will actually happen and make me realise that I should have been grateful for what I had.

Life as a mum of two is bloody hard work. I feel like I am not cut out for this life. It’s just nonstop craziness from the second they wake until they (finally) go to bed. Then Teddy is still waking between 2-6 times a night so there is no break. I think the sleep deprivation just makes you feel like a different person. Lol, he woke as I typed that, I jinxed myself.

Aside from the sleeping, Teddy is a pretty easy kid. And the waking at night doesn’t bother me, I think it’s perfectly normal for a baby and I’m happy to respond to what he needs. It’s just exhausting. August is almost 4 and he’s an emotional kid and becoming a big brother has been hard on him. It’s only gotten harder as Teddy has become more mobile (he’s almost 14 months now) and destroys all August’s very important legos and trains tracks. I basically spend all day trying to keep them from upsetting each other and it makes me feel sad to see them not getting along. The guilt that one of them is constantly missing out on what they want or need keeps me awake at night.

A very rare moment of harmony

Currently I’m not working and I don’t have a job to go back to now that Teddy is getting older. I worked part time since August was 7 months old so I feel a bit lost and bored to be honest. I wake up and my big goals for the day are around doing a grocery shop or washing clothes. I am definitely spending too much money online shopping or taking the kids on outings just to stem the boredom. I haven’t been seriously looking for work though as we were planning to relocate soon and I didn’t want to settle Teddy into a childcare only to change it on him, but we are facing ongoing delays with the house build. By delays I mean we haven’t even started building!

I feel very much like a mum cliche who has completely lost herself. I never wanted to parent like this and I think it sets a bad example for my kids. I just don’t know how to find a way out of it when I have very limited support with the kids and I’m lacking the confidence to find meaningful employment. I just miss my old life and wearing nice clothes and make up and having time to myself and thinking about things other than the kids and the ability to get my eyebrows waxed without requiring a strategic plan.

I know it won’t always be like this and one day the kids will sleep at night and dress themselves and feed themselves and bathe themselves and probably not want me around. I just wish I had a better balance so it was easier to enjoy these delicious little kiddos.

7 thoughts on “Mum Life (blah blah blah)

  1. Awe your children are adorable. You write so well, very descriptive of your feelings while staying positive and engaging. It’s a tough gig being a mum to two young children and you took me back to when I was a young mum of two girls in the 1980’s. I survived the hard young years and remember wishing they would just ….. and then it would be easier lol. It did become much much easier probably when they were both at school. They were 3 years apart. It was then that I truely loved being a mum and just wanted time to stop so I could bottle the feelings of love as I watched my beautiful girls grow into intelligent, independent, successful adults. My girls are now 41 and 38 with 3 children each, giving me 6 grandchildren. Blessed beyond words. You’re doing an amazing job and you’re a wonderful Mum. Congratulations 👏


    • Thank you for your comment and kind words, you’ve made my night.

      Oh and it’s so nice to hear you say that you enjoyed your kids more the older they got. So many people say that things just get harder the older they are which is super scary to hear. 🙃


  2. Being a parent is hard, they grow & change so fast that you always seem to be learning something different or they need something different. Wether you are a stay at home Mum, a working full time Mum or a mix of both, there are feelings of inadequacy & guilt associated with each. Sometimes it is great & other times it bloody sucks. At the end of the day, you can only do what works best for you & your family and there is no right or wrong way, and no way will be perfect. Your boys will grow up knowing you loved them totally & unconditionally even after waking you up for the 5th time that night or after a massive tantrum because the other one broke/stole/looked at his toys. You are teaching them love & empathy & they will fight like cats & dogs but when the chips are down, they will love & look after each other, because that is the example you have set. Do not be afraid to do something just for you, it is vital for your health & wellbeing, it makes you an even better Mumma if you are happy & feel like you have some of your own identity back. Kids are insanely resilient and will cope with a lot, if it means getting Teddy settled in one daycare for a few hours a week so you get a break,(even if you just go home & have a sleep), then when you move and have to change, he will cope. He may cry & be sad, but that is normal human behaviour when you leave somewhere you like. It is also life, things, people & places come & go. The boys have the consistency of the love from Mum & Dad – together you all are a great tight unit ready to take on the world (after a nap).


  3. Your babies are amazing and I am so so glad you are ok. Surviving and thriving thorough this shit that is life.
    Providing a loving and happy home for your humans.
    I so hope that you can find a good balance and drive for YOU. ❤️❤️❤️


  4. I love reading your updates and I like and appreciate your honesty. Parenting is such a hard job and at times it can really suck, and others you would not change a thing. I think you are doing incredibly well and both your children look very happy, healthy and loved. Take care and look forward to another update. Christine Sydney XXX


  5. Hey Tully,
    I used to be an avid reader of your blog! I thought about you and your boys today and wanted to check if you had written anything lately!
    I hope you are well and enjoying your boys ages now!



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