15 + a Half Months (the half matters!)

I wrote a post a couple of weeks ago and didn’t get around to publishing it, but kids change so quickly that it isn’t relevant anymore. So I’ll start again!

Augie is 15 and a half months now, and yes, I’m one of those crazy parents who mentions the half month because it does make a difference ha ha! He has suddenly decided he loves walking. On Halloween he just walked from our kitchen table to the kitchen bench and then to the stairs. Since then he is unstoppable. I wonder if I will ever stop bursting with pride when I see him happily walking across a room. Maybe when he’s 40?

I’m super glad he’s walking because some snide comments from extended family about his (not) walking got back to me. I didn’t know I could get so angry. I know I shouldn’t let it bother me, but it broke my heart a little bit to think anyone was making fun of him.

Augie is going through a daddy’s boy stage. He’s always loved AJ the most, his face just lights up when he walks in the room and he thinks dad is just hilarious. It doesn’t bother me, but lately he doesn’t want to come near me after I get home from work. It’s like he hates me. I’ve heard this is common, but it’s still hard because I miss him so much when I’m at work and then I can’t even cuddle him. AJ works from home so he doesn’t leave and betray Augie like I do. So sad.

I went to a childcare open day on the weekend to look into my options. It seemed nice enough, but I’m still not convinced. I worry about how it will change him. I worry about outside influences that I can’t control. I worry that it would be hard for him and his shy personality. And I worry that he just needs a consistent caregiver at this age. I can see the benefits in how it stimulates them, how great the resources are, how he’ll grow in confidence and even the food looks amazing. It maybe just isn’t the right time for us.

I am finding it tough to balance working 25 hours a week and having Augie at home with me. I work one full day in the city (with a tidy 2.5-3 hour commute each way and AJ looks after Augie) and then I work from home 5.30-7.30 am before Augie wakes and 12.30-2.30 while he has his day sleep. So I get up at 5.00 am and am non-stop all day with work or Augie. Then getting Augie to bed has been a 2-3 hour battle most nights and if I get him down by 9.00 pm it’s a victory and I’m about ready to collapse. So I guess that’s why I was looking at childcare because I’m just so tired. Some days I’ve honestly wondered if I can keep doing it all.

Luckily, Augie’s bedtime has slowly been getting easier and last night it only took 30 minutes and he was asleep by 8.00 pm. Thank god. This has coincided with his fourth front molar coming through finally. Those fucking molars were a nightmare and he won’t take Panadol and he bites me so hard when I try to put the teething gel on. I did notice one of his canines is looking like it’s on it’s way now… it never ends!

He’s still sleeping well once he gets to sleep, normally 11-12 hours. He has occasionally woken fir a cuddle because his teeth hurt (I think?) but that is no trouble and it’s nice to sit in my rocking chair and snuggle in the quiet of the night. Except when it’s 3.00 am and he wants me to hold him for an hour and then I realise there is no point going back to bed so I just stay up and start work. That’s a long day.

He has a lot of words and animal noises now. More than anything though, he understands so much. You ask him to do something (put your drink on the table or put the lid on) and he does. Wow. Mind blown. He now puts himself to bed when he’s tired for his midday and night sleeps. He walks over to the stairs and says ‘nigh nigh’ when he’s tired. So cute! Oh and when I’m holding him, he grabs my face with both his hands, faces it to him and gives me a kiss or rests his face on mine. Ahhh, too much cute.

I’ve made some really good in-roads with friends in my new town. I had a very boozy brunch with some mum friends a few weeks ago (brunch lasted until 5.00 pm!) and we do lots of play dates and social outings. Lucky they are on the same page as me with including wine at these outings! Augie and I keep busy everyday with music, library, swimming, Playgroup and play dates. Some days all of the above. It’s exhausting!

It’s been such a beautiful month with Augie. I love seeing more and more of his personality coming through every day. It’s a fun age!