Dazed & Confused

mid life crisis

I finally get around to writing a blog post and now I stare at the screen and feel like I don’t know here to start. This has been my general state of mind for the past 18 months. Confusion.

It’s annoying because I am normally a decisive person who knows what I want. Sometimes I don’t know how to get it, but at least I used to know what I wanted.

Ever since my mum passed away last year I feel lost all the time. It’s like I have lost the anchor in my life and I am drifting.

  • Should I look for a new job?
  • Should I buy an apartment?
  • Should I move to the country?
  • Should I move to Sydney
  • Should I have a baby?
  • Should I quit my job and do nothing?
  • Should I go travelling?

Oh god, I just don’t know what to do. All of the above? None of the above? I do know that I am craving change. I turn 35 in a few months. What do I want to do with my life?

I wish I could just relax and let life happen, but I feel like I am at a turning point in my life… if only I knew which way to turn.

Until I can figure it out I guess I just keep going along as I am where the only decision I need to make is red wine or white wine.

3 thoughts on “Dazed & Confused

  1. Your heart will tell you what to do.
    Children are a gift, have a baby if your body clock and heart tells you to do so…and enjoy the roller coast ride.
    As for the rest…I’ll have a red wine thanks xx


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